Sunday 18 July 2010

My school for 2011-2012

I also took a quick trip to my future university today. My M.A. program in Hawaii includes a year at Korea University (고려대), so I figured I should visit the campus and get a picture in my mind of where I'll be living. To my great relief, the campus is actually quite beautiful, quite different from other campuses I've visited here. True to form, I left my camera at home, so I will have to rely on a publicity shot.

Among the groups of faux-Ivy League buildings, there was an amusing set of banners accusing the government of misleading people as to the true cause of the sinking of the Cheonnan. Having heard every conspiracy theory, ranging from a Korean War mine to a warmongering America attacking with one of our own torpedoes, my only response to such shrill polemics is shaking my head.

1 comment:

gus said...

It looks like Yale or Princeton (which look like Oxford or Cambridge). Do the students play cricket?... dad.